Recognizing A Great Episode - Ami Kassar - Creating The Greatest Show - Episode # 010

Knowing when you have a good guest or bad guest is key when creating a podcast epsiode. Sometimes you have to make the decision to either post it or not. Here to teach you how to find the right guest for your episode is Ami Kassar, Chief Executive Officer at MultiFunding LLC and Host of Amisights: Financing the Future For Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs. Ami gives advice on what to do if your podcast episode is boring to you and your audience. Tune in to this educational episode! There's so much to learn from this one!

  • Try to post an episode every week. Posting every week will keep your podcast consistent.
  • Before you start recording, loosen your guest up. Ask them silly questions to help them relax. When you have a relaxed guest on the show, they will feel less stressed and open up more.
  • It’s okay to go off the script. Going off script can make for more natural responses to your other questions.
  • If you feel like the episode you recorded is not good, it is okay to not post it. It is important to remember how your podcast will be represented towards your audience and potential guests. One bad episode could lead to no views and no guests.
  •  Inviting only people you know on the podcast will make for more of an organic conversation. 
  • You don’t have to make every episode the same. It is okay to change it up. Add themes to your podcast episodes.
  • If you aren’t feeling an episode, your audience will likely not feel it either. Keep your audience in mind during your recordings.
Quote of the Show:
  • “My purpose in life is to be a resource to entrepreneurs.” (16:06)
Ways to Tune In:
Creating The Greatest Show is produced and sponsored by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at 

Creators and Guests

Casey Cheshire
Casey Cheshire
Founder & Podcast Architect at Ringmaster
Recognizing A Great Episode - Ami Kassar - Creating The Greatest Show - Episode # 010
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